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The grade “I” (incomplete) indicates that a portion of the regularly assigned work of the course remains unfinished. It is only given when there is a reasonable chance that the student can complete the work and earn a passing grade within the allowed time frame for removal of an “I” grade. Except under exceptional circumstances, students must request the “I” grade themselves. If the reason for incomplete work is deemed unsatisfactory by the Instructor of Record, the “I” grade will not be granted.

A grade of “I” must be replaced by a regular final letter grade within 12 months from the end of the academic term in which the “I” grade was awarded or before the student's graduation, whichever occurs first. The Office of the University Registrar shall notify the Instructor of Record at least two (2) months before the deadline. The Instructor of Record can extend the deadline for an additional 12 months by completing a grade assignment form. If the Instructor of Record is not available, the department chair or dean of the college may request the extension.

If the “I” grade is not replaced by a regular final letter grade within the allowable period, the Office of the University Registrar shall change it to a grade of “E” on the student's permanent academic record and adjust the student's GPA accordingly. In such cases, the Instructor of Record may submit a grade assignment form to replace the “E” grade within 12 months from the time the “E” was assigned.

A graduate with an “I” grade on their academic record at the time of graduation (and which grade was subsequently changed to an “E” by the Office of the University Registrar) may be allowed up to 12 months after the end of the academic term in which the course was taken to satisfactorily complete the course and receive a grade change.

Each department is responsible for recording information for each "I" grade, specifying:

  1. The student's name and student number.
  2. The course and section number, hours of credit, semester, year and Instructor of Record.
  3. The work to be completed and basis for grading.
  4. The time frame for completing the incomplete work (not exceeding 12 months).
  5. Documentation that the student has been advised of the conditions for removing the "I" grade.

This information shall be filed with the department chair or chair’s designee. As practical, the information should be signed and dated both by the student and the Instructor of Record.

The Instructor of Record shall provide a complete copy of this record to the student and the department chair at the time the “I” grade is reported. The term "student" in this context excludes only students in the Graduate School and the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry.

“I” (Incomplete Grades) for Graduate Students

A grade of “I” may be awarded to a graduate student if a part of the work of a course remains undone and there is a reasonable possibility that a passing grade will result from completion of the work. All “I” grades must be replaced by a regular final letter grade within 12 months of the end of the academic term in which the “I” grade was awarded or prior to the student’s graduation, whichever occurs first. If an “I” grade has not been replaced within the allowable period, the Office of the University Registrar shall change the “I” grade to a grade of “E” on the student’s permanent academic record and adjust the student’s GPA accordingly, unless otherwise approved because of exceptional circumstances by the Dean of the Graduate School on recommendation of the Director of Graduate Studies in the student’s program.

Instructors of Record who assign an “I” grade should file with the student’s Director of Graduate Studies information including:

      1.  The student’s name and student identification number.

      2.  The course number, hours of credit and semester and year of enrollment.

      3.  Specific information on the work to be completed before assignment of a final grade.

      4.  The time frame for completing the specific requirements (not exceeding 12 months)

Graduate students are urged to consult with their Director of Graduate Studies concerning procedures relative to the awarding of “I” grades and the conditions under which they may be removed in their respective program.