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If the student has previously received a penalty for an offense at least as severe as an E or F in a course, the chair shall inform the responsible dean, who shall determine an appropriate penalty.

Otherwise, if the student has previously received a letter of warning, the instructor must assign a grade of E or F for the course. If the offense is particularly egregious, and if the chair approves, the instructor may also forward the case to the responsible dean with a recommendation for a penalty of XE or XF or a more severe penalty.

Otherwise, if there are no prior offenses or letters of warning in the student's record, the instructor must award a grade of zero for the assignment on which the offense occurred. The instructor may also choose to impose one of the following additional penalties after consulting with the chair:

  1. require the student to perform extra academic work (failure to complete the extra work should result in a grade of E or F for the course);
  2. reduce the final grade in the course by a specified number of levels;
  3. assign a grade of E or F, as appropriate, for the course;
  4. if the offense is particularly egregious, and if the chair approves, forward the case to the responsible dean with a recommendation for a penalty of a grade of XE or XF in the course or a more severe penalty.

If the instructor chooses to impose a penalty less than an E or F in the course, then the offense shall be considered a "minor offense." Generally, an offense that required significant premeditation should not be treated as a minor offense.