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6.4.2 JURISDICTION Instructor Not Faculty Employee

If an instructor is not a faculty employee (for example, the instructor is a teaching assistant), then the Instructor of Record shall normally assume the role of the instructor. However, with the agreement of the responsible Instructor of Record, the chair may decide either to allow the actual instructor to retain this role or to ask another employee who is directly involved with the course (for example, a course coordinator) to assume this role. In any case, the actual instructor should retain an important consultative role and shall participate in all University Appeals Board meetings as far as possible. [US:3/9/2015] Responsible Chair and Dean

In general, the prefix of the course in which a student is enrolled determines which chair and dean are responsible for handling a case of an academic offense alleged to have been committed by that student in that course. However:

  1. If the chair is also the instructor, then the dean of the chair's college shall assign the chair's role to an associate dean.
  2. If the responsible dean is also the instructor, then the dean shall assign their responsibility for the case to an associate dean.
  3. If the Provost is also the instructor, then the Provost shall assign their responsibility for the case to an associate provost.
  4. If a student in postbaccalaureate status, a student enrolled in a program or curriculum of the Graduate School, or a postdoctoral scholar or fellow is suspected of committing an academic offense in a course, the responsible dean shall be the dean of the Graduate School.
  5. When a student enrolled in a program that has instituted an honor code, pursuant to SR 6.6, is suspected of committing an offense in any course, the offense shall be prosecuted and the penalty shall be imposed according to the rules of the student's program's honor code. Conversely, a student who is not enrolled in a program that has instituted an honor code shall be prosecuted only under the rules in this SR 6.4. If a student is concurrently enrolled in a professional program governed by an honor code and a program of the Graduate School, the rules of the professional program shall take precedence. 
  6. If the course is homed outside of a college, then the responsible dean is the officer appointed by the Provost, with concurrence of the Senate, to act as the responsible Dean of the course. [US: 5/2/2022] Role of the Dean of the Graduate School

If an academic offense is alleged to have occurred outside of a course in work that is related to fulfilling requirements of a program or curriculum of the Graduate School (for example, a master's examination, doctoral qualifying examination, master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, or formally submitted dissertation proposal), or if an academic offense is alleged to have been committed by a postdoctoral scholar or fellow outside of a course, the offense shall be considered to have occurred in the Graduate School, and the rules of the Graduate School regarding academic offenses shall apply. Students Not in a College or Who Have Not Matriculated at UK

In the cases of students who have not registered in a college or are not matriculated at the University, the Provost shall assign a dean of a college to handle the case. [US: 11/13/2017]

  • *           SR does not apply to students who have registered in a college in an ‘undeclared major’ or ‘non-degree-seeking’ status. [SREC: 1/5/2016]