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A dean may be required to take action in a case of an academic offense in the following circumstances: PENALTY OF AT LEAST XE OR XF RECOMMENDED FOR FIRST OFFENSE

An instructor of a course offered by the dean's college recommends a penalty of a grade of “XE” or “XF” or a more severe penalty for an offense committed by a student who has not committed any previous offense or who has received only a letter of warning. In this case, the dean has two (2) options:

  1. The dean may return the case to the instructor and require the instructor to notify the Instructor of Record to impose a penalty no more severe than a grade of “E” or “F” in the course. In this case, the instructor shall notify the student and the chair shall notify the Academic Ombud of the new penalty.
  2. The dean may impose a penalty of “XE” or “XF” in the course and may forward the case to the Office of the Provost, recommending a penalty of suspension, dismissal, expulsion or revocation of a degree. In this case, the student has the right to appeal the penalty. PENALTY OF AT LEAST E OR F RECOMMENDED FOR AT LEAST SECOND OFFENSE

A student is found to have committed an offense in a course offered by the dean's college, the student has previously received a penalty for an offense at least as severe as an “E” or “F” in a course and the matter has been referred to the dean. The dean shall impose a grade of “XE” or “XF” in the course and forward the case to the Office of the Provost, recommending either the minimum penalty of suspension or a harsher penalty of dismissal, expulsion or revocation of a degree. The student has the right to appeal a recommended penalty of dismissal, expulsion or revocation of a degree. OFFENSE COMMITTED OUTSIDE OF A COURSE

A student enrolled in the dean's college is accused of an offense, either with respect to a course in which the student is not enrolled, or in academic work outside of a course (for example, an honors project or dissertation, a graduate examination, a thesis or dissertation or a formally submitted thesis or dissertation proposal). In this case, the procedure outlined above shall be followed, except that the dean assumes the roles of both instructor and chair. If the dean finds the student committed the offense, based on the standard of proof, the dean shall either decline to impose a penalty or shall forward the case to the Office of the Provost recommending a penalty of suspension, dismissal, expulsion or revocation of a degree. The student has the right to appeal any finding, even if no penalty is imposed, and any recommended penalty. CONCURRENT OFFENSES

The Office of the University Registrar notifies the dean that an inquiry was made about prior offenses of a student in the dean's college after a chronologically prior offense by that student had occurred but before the prior offense had been noted in the student's permanent record. If the inquiry was made about an offense that the student was later found not to have committed, the dean shall take no action. Otherwise, if the chronologically subsequent offense occurred in a course, the dean shall impose a grade of “E” or “F”, or “XE” or “XF” in that course. If the student has already been permitted to drop or withdraw from that course, the Office of the University Registrar shall reenroll the student in it. The dean may also forward the case to the Office of the Provost, recommending a penalty of suspension, dismissal, expulsion or revocation of a degree. If the chronologically prior offense received a penalty of at least an “E” or “F” in the course, the dean shall impose a grade of “XE” or “XF” in the course and must forward the case to the Office of the Provost, recommending a penalty at least as severe as suspension. In that case, the student has the right to appeal a recommended penalty of dismissal, expulsion or revocation of a degree. Otherwise, the student may appeal a recommended penalty of “XE” or “XF”, or a more severe penalty. NOTICE

Notice of any finding of an offense (even if no penalty is imposed) or intended action shall immediately be sent by the dean of the college to the student, with copies to the instructor and chair (if the offense was related to a course) and the Academic Ombud. If a penalty of suspension, dismissal, expulsion or revocation of a degree is imposed or recommended, the Office of the Provost shall also be notified. IN CASE OF APPEAL

After the student is notified of a finding or action and advised of any right of appeal, the dean shall wait until the time has expired before taking any action. If the student exercises the right of appeal, the dean shall take no action until the UAB makes a determination on the case. RIGHT TO DROP OR WITHDRAW FROM A COURSE

A student who has committed an academic offense in a course shall not be permitted to drop or withdraw from the course under any circumstances, except as specified in the “Requirements” of “Retroactive Withdrawal.” CONDITIONS FOR READMITTANCE AFTER DISMISSAL

If a dean recommends a penalty of dismissal, the dean may suggest conditions under which the UAB and the Office of the Provost should consider approving a student's petition to be readmitted. The dean shall notify the student of any such conditions.