A student has the option to repeat up to three (3) different completed courses (including special exams) one time each. Only the grade, credit hours and quality points from the second attempt will be used in computing the student's academic standing and credit for graduation. The limit of three (3) repeat options holds for a student's entire undergraduate career (including when academic bankruptcy is exercised), no matter how many degrees or programs are attempted. A student may not use the repeat option when retaking a course on a Pass/Fail basis if the course was originally taken for a letter grade. A student may use a repeat option when repeating a course for a letter grade if the course was originally taken Pass/Fail.
A student exercising the repeat option must consult the student’s advisor and must notify the Office of the University Registrar. A student may exercise the repeat option at any time prior to graduation.
If a student officially withdraws from the second attempt, then the grade, credit hours and quality points for the first completion shall constitute the grade in that course for official purposes. Permission to attempt again the same course may only granted by the Instructor of Record and the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled.
The repeat option may be exercised only the second time a student takes a course for a letter grade, not a subsequent time (excluding audits).
The repeat option shall not be exercised for any course in which the grade of “XE” or “XF” was received.
* A cheating grade of “E” or “XE” is not prohibited in a repeat option exercise to apply in place of a regular “E” that was conferred the first time the course was taken.
* Any course taken by an undergraduate student prior to an awarded degree cannot be changed by the repeat option process after the award of the degree; however, that student may in a subsequent non-degree status use the repeat option on a course that was taken after the prior degree was awarded.
* The repeat option does not allow for the original grade of a repeated course to be removed from the transcript, but rather only allows for removal of that original grade from the calculation of the GPA.
* When a student is concurrently enrolled in two (2) undergraduate degree programs and then graduates one (1) of the programs, any course taken prior to that graduation cannot later have the repeat option applied to that course, even if that course was not applied to that first degree. GRADUATE STUDENTS
An enrolled graduate student may exercise the repeat option on a graduate course prior to graduation, but not afterwards, and count only the second grade as part of the graduate GPA. This action will be initiated by petition of the respective Director of Graduate Studies to the Dean of the Graduate School and may be used only once in a particular degree program or in postbaccalaureate status.
* An enrolled graduate student may exercise the repeat option prior to graduation, but not afterwards.