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With the exceptions noted below, the maximum load to be carried during any semester by an undergraduate student (including courses taken on an audit basis) shall be 19 credit hours.

The maximum allowable load for undergraduate students during any summer term/session (including residence, correspondence or audit courses) shall be nine (9) credit hours in the eight-week Summer Session and four (4) credits in the four-week term. Under no circumstances shall students carry more than 13 credits during the summer term and Summer Session. Students may be enrolled in a maximum of nine (9) credit hours of classes meeting concurrently during an eight-week Summer Session. For this purpose, a course meeting for a four-week period during the eight-week session must be counted double. Thus, a student may enroll in two (2) consecutive four-week (three (3) credit hour) classes plus one (1) eight-week class, or as many as three (3) eight-week (three (3) credit hour) classes. A student would not, however, be able to enroll in two (2) four-week (three (3) credit hour) classes meeting concurrently. A student may be enrolled in a maximum of seven (7) credit hours for a six-week summer term.

The dean of a student's college may allow a student to take additional credit hours if the dean believes, based on the student's past performance, that the student can successfully complete the extra coursework. A student on academic probation shall take no more than 15 credit hours in a semester, three (3) credit hours in a four-week term or seven (7) credit hours in a six or eight-week session. This rule may be waived by special permission from the student’s academic dean or the dean’s designee. The waiver and the rationale for the waiver must be documented in the student’s record maintained by the college.

Students in the University Scholars Program shall not take more than 16 credit hours per semester. Permission to exceed that number is subject to approval by the respective Director of Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School.

The professional colleges and the Graduate School may set lower maximum loads consistent with their degree requirements.

The maximum allowable load to be carried during any Summer Session for graduate students shall be nine (9) credit hours in the eight-week Summer Session and four (4) credit hours in the four-week term. The maximum load for graduate students in any combination of the four- and eight-week sessions/terms shall be 12 credit hours.

A student may only be registered simultaneously at the University of Kentucky and another institution with approval from the dean of the college in which the student is registered at the University of Kentucky. The credit hours obtained at the other institution will be considered part of the student's maximum load. If simultaneous registration has not been authorized, the transfer of credit from the other institution may be denied.