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5.1.5 FINAL GRADES Temporary Notations  Course in Progress ---

This grade appears in a grade report prepared during the academic term in which the student is enrolled in the course. It is to be replaced by a final grade pursuant to SR The Registrar shall notify all unit or program heads at the end of each semester, regarding “Course in Progress” notations (---) in all courses offered by that unit or program. The unit or program head shall have six weeks from the date of notification by the Registrar to assign a grade in the course. If no change is made by the unit or program head, the “Course in Progress” notation (---) will be replaced with a “Missing Grade” notation (***), with further changes made pursuant to SR [US: 10/8/2007]  Missing Grade ***

This grade appears in a grade report when no grade has been reported to the Registrar either under SR or SR The Registrar shall notify all unit or program heads at the end of academic term regarding all “Missing Grade” notations (***) in all courses offered by that unit or program. If a Missing Grade notation can be replaced with a grade, it should be done as promptly as possible. [US: 10/8/2007]  Procedures for Changing Temporary Notations

The unit or program head will consult, if possible, with the Instructor of Record for the course when assigning a grade under this rule. The Registrar shall notify the student at the student’s address of record of any assignment of a grade under this rule. Appeals shall be taken to the Academic Ombud. [US: 10/8/2007]