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Some colleges and programs have adopted different grading systems, which can be found in the Appendices.

The grading system used to record academic results in the Office of the University Registrar is as follows:

A         Exceptionally high achievement as a result of aptitude, effort and intellectual initiative. It is valued at four (4) quality points for each credit hour.

B          High achievement as a result of ability and effort. It is valued at three (3) quality points for each credit hour.

C        Satisfactory achievement for undergraduates or unsatisfactory achievement for graduate students. It is the minimum passing grade for which credit is conferred. It is valued at two (2) quality points for each credit hour.

D         Unsatisfactory achievement for undergraduates and is the minimum grade for which credit is conferred; the grade is not to be used for graduate students. It is valued at one (1) quality point for each credit hour.

E          Unsatisfactory performance and failure in the course. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours.

P          Passing grade in a course taken on a Pass/Fail basis. It may also be assigned by the University Appeals Board in cases involving a violation of student academic rights. Credit hours successfully completed under this grade will count toward graduation but will not be used in calculating GPAs.

F          Failure in a course taken on a Pass/Fail basis. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours.

AU       (Audit) Completion of a course attended on an audit basis. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours.

CR       (Credit) designator for AP or CLEP or bypass work to reflect that credit is granted for a course.

I           (Incomplete) — see “Further explanation of Certain Grades”

IP        (In progress) Satisfactory work in progress in courses carrying no academic credit. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours.

N         Temporary grade to be submitted for students who have been entered by the Office of the University Registrar into official class rolls but have never attended class and have not officially withdrawn. The Office of the University Registrar shall remove their names from the official class roll, and the student's enrollment in the class shall not be recorded in the student's official academic record. (As a temporary mark, "N" carries no credit hours or quality points.)

S          Final grade in courses carrying no academic credit or in courses used for residency credit or dissertation/thesis credit. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours.

SI         (Satisfactory, interim) Interim grade given in credit-bearing seminars, independent work courses or research courses that extend beyond the normal limits of a semester or Summer Session. This grade indicates that a student’s academic work, in terms of both quality and quantity, was satisfactory during the applicable term. All “SI” grades must be replaced by a regular final letter grade prior to the qualifying examination or Final Examination for doctoral students, or prior to graduation in all other cases. As a temporary mark, “SI” carries no credit hours or quality points.

UI        (Unsatisfactory, interim) Interim grade given in credit-bearing seminars, independent work courses or research courses that extend beyond the normal limits of a semester or Summer Session. This grade indicates that a student’s academic work, in terms of quality, was unsatisfactory during the applicable term. All “UI” grades must be replaced by a regular final letter grade prior to the Qualifying Examination or Final Examination for doctoral students, or prior to graduation in all other cases. As a temporary mark, “UI” carries no credit hours or quality points.

UN       Final grade in courses carrying no academic credit or in courses used for residency credit or dissertation/thesis credit, for which a student has done unsatisfactory work or has failed to do a reasonable amount of work. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours.

XE       Failure in a course due to an academic offense. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours. The repeat option may not be exercised for any course in which the grade of “XE” was received. A grade of “XE” normally may not be changed to a “W” by retroactive withdrawal, except upon appeal to the Office of the Provost.

XF       Failure in a course taken on a Pass/Fail basis due to an academic offense. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours. The repeat option may not be exercised for any course in which the grade of “XF” was received. A grade of “XF” may not be changed to a W by retroactive withdrawal, except upon appeal to the Office of the Provost.

W         Withdrawal from class. It may also be assigned by the Office of the Provost in cases involving a violation of student academic rights. It is valued at zero (0) quality points and zero (0) credit hours.

Z          Reenrollment recommended (development courses only). It has no value in computing GPA.