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3.1.5 Effect On Current Students When Program Requirements Change Undergraduate Certificates and Degree Programs

When requirements for an undergraduate certificate or degree program are changed after a student has enrolled in it, the student shall have the option of fulfilling either the old or the new requirements. In fulfilling the old requirements, if a student finds that necessary courses have been eliminated or substantially revised, the student may substitute other courses with the approval of the dean of the college. In this eventuality, however, the student shall not be forced to comply with the new requirements.

However, if a student interrupts their work in the program or the University for more than two semesters, then the dean of the college shall determine which requirements the student shall fulfill.

If the curriculum revision is required by an external accreditation certification body, and this body submits a written statement to the University that the accreditation of a program or certification of its graduates is in jeopardy unless students fulfill the new requirements, the option of fulfilling the old requirements shall not apply.

This rule does not apply to the imposition of new or additional prerequisites for courses required as outside curricular requirements by another program. Graduate Certificates and Degree Programs

When Graduate School or graduate certificate or degree program requirements are changed after a student has begun a course of study, the student shall have the option of fulfilling either the old or new requirements.

If the student elects to fulfill the old requirements but finds that necessary resources (e.g., courses, instruction in particular skills) are no longer available, the student may make reasonable substitutes with the approval of the Graduate School Dean upon recommendation of the Director of Graduate Studies.

In the event that a student interrupts work on a graduate degree (i.e., is not enrolled) for one calendar year or more, the Graduate School Dean shall determine, upon recommendation of the Director of Graduate Studies, whether the old requirements or the new requirements shall apply. In the event a student has not completed the requirements for the graduate degree five years after the effective date of a change in degree requirements, the new requirements shall apply unless determined otherwise by the Graduate School Dean. [US: 2/12/79] Professional Certificate and Degree Programs

The colleges offering professional certificates and degrees reserve the right to change curriculum requirements provided the program change has gone through the University's approval process. Any such change in curriculum, however, shall not result in a longer tenure for students enrolled in the program who are making satisfactory academic progress. [US: 10/12/87]